Logan T. Sibrel

Logan T. Sibrel (b. 1986 Jasper, Indiana) graduated with a BFA from Indiana University, Bloomington in 2009 and an MFA from Parsons New School of Design in 2011. He lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.

Logan T. Sibrel explores intimate moments, often at close proximity. Despite the specificity of the scenes, the subjects depicted remain largely unrecognizable, creating a tension between the feeling of closeness and the frequent anonymity of the figures. Sibrel repeatedly incorporates references to queer life, specific places, songs or books that he associates with the scenes. His works, on one hand, convey closeness and intimacy, yet they remain elusive and fleeting.

His works tell fragmented stories that build an emotional connection with the viewer through their authenticity, intimacy, and vulnerability. The works are often sexual in tone, but the artist is not concerned with an erotic representation. Rather, the sexuality, which varies in degree, becomes a medium for addressing interpersonal relationships, longings, and disappointments.